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The Summer the Rattlesnakes Came

status: exhibition version complete; working on mobile version

Summer at 6, at 19, and at 26. At six, suddenly moved waaaaay out in the sticks, the whole family sleeping in tents, and, when the summer came, realizing that our camp was directly in the path that the local rattlesnakes took to get to the creek. At 19, coming home for a summer after living in Berlin for two years, transformed...and not. At 26, coming home for a summer after living in London for two years; dazed, confused. All the later summers seem somehow--through scent and heat and sounds--to spiral back to that first summer, wondering when the snakes would come again. Something of a companion piece to Smooth Second Bastard.

This work is the first P.o.E.M.M. to include audio. We collaborated with internationally-renowned Canadian composer Paul Dolden, who wrote and produced the music.

Prints: This will be a triptych; print panels are under development.

Mobile version under development.


Text: Custom text
Font: Static Bold + Archive
Exhibition: Custom Java for Windows + 2-point touch surface
App: Custom Objective-C for iOS